Teen Advanced Acting Grades 9 – 12


If you are Teen who’s new to Unity Stage this year, please contact Sofia at unitystagecompany@gmail.com to set up a brief, friendly interview & auditionwhen you’ll be asked to perform a memorized, one-minute monologue from a play or another medium.



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Teen Advanced Acting Grades 9 – 12

You’ll expand your cold-read and audition skills as we read plays and musical scripts together virtually (some are pieces you have performed with Unity Stage over the years!)

As a group you’ll continue developing your impressive long-form improv chops. Our final session will be an Invitation-Only Live Long-form Improv Showcase. On Zoom or maybe in-person? We can dream.

  • Sundays Starts March 7   7pm to 8:30pm/90 min
  • 10 sessions Incl. Long-Form Improv Showcase

Special *Spring of Hope* fee: $240